High Security keys are also called Tibbe or laser cut keys, and when combined with locks, they provide the highest level of vehicle security. We cut them with our computerized cutting machines, we also carry a large selection of standard keys.
High Security Keys

Remote & Fob Keys

There are different types of car remotes currently on the market – from standard remotes to intelligent/proximity keys – and we stock most of them!
Key/Remote Programming

Using our specialized equipment, we can program most transponder keys and remote/proxy keys on the spot!
Key Cutting Service

With the latest cutting technology, we are able to cut keys by code, as well as duplicate your keys, and decode most vehicles on the road today.
Ignition Lock Service

Problems with turning your ignition to “ON” may be caused by worn keys and/or a faulty ignition lock. We can inspect both and rebuild or replace if needed!

Have the convenience and reliability of a professional auto locksmith meet you anywhere you have a problem. From simple key cutting to ECU/Immo reflashing on select makes and models. We come to you!